Friday, May 22, 2015


Who knows the true meaning of love? It's different for everyone, different kinds of love. Is there such thing as bad love?

It's amazing spending time with the same people; day in, day out...working, living, partying, eating, and even sometime sleeping with these same people. This will get to you at some point or another and that's what my job includes, all of the above. But it seems to come full circle, we have one word for this type of love: FAMILY.

I have now discovered another type of love. This love I have for traveling has blossomed again because I am now back in Europe, with that comes many eye opening sites and experiences. My love for traveling isn't the kind that makes my heart ache. It's not the kind that makes me cry when I'm happy or sad. But it's the kind of love that makes me want to share my experiences with all the people I love and care for. I wish I could share every moment with someone when I experience a new country, city, or moment in life that has never happened before. It's hard being away from loved ones but the ones who truly care know this is my passion and I wouldn't be happy unless I'm finding new ways to "love."

Another type of love that always confuses me, especially with my job/lifestyle is the love that comes with men. What's love or what's lust? Traveling is my passion and I will never give it up but because this is who I am. They say distance makes the heart grow founder, I truly believe that for better or worse. It helps make the choice of what really matters in life important. I've recently become fond of one wonderful man, who all of a sudden pops into my life with just one night. (Just thinking about him makes me smile) But now is 4,000 miles away from me and we are now separated by technology. The way he looks at me, laughs with me but more times then none is laughing AT me, and the way he cares for me as well as everyone around him is unlike anyone I know. Internationally sound and the word "intelligent" can't describe him enough. I'm sure everyone is just rolling their eyes at this point but this kind of love IS the kind that hurts my heart knowing he's so far away. The one that makes me smile and everyone asks "What's wrong with her? Why's she so happy?"

Even after knowing him for a short time, the way we connect and we understand each other is one of a kind. I wake up thinking about this man, and have a hard time falling asleep without him. I believe in my heart that goods things will come to good people, and our time will come in many forms of love.

Love is such a sneaky thing. Sometimes can make life worth living for but also can make it very hard to live life. I know being away from all the ones I love is difficult in different ways but knowing I'm loved back is all that matters.

 1 universe 
9 planets 
204 countries
809 islands 
7 seas

and I had the privilege of meeting you...

What kind of love is in your life?

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